Jarrod Cook

Professor Liliana Naydan

English 15, Section 15

7 October 2004

Journal Prompt #9

            Due to the many revolutionary changes throughout the twentieth century a great alteration has occurred in the values of society.  For this reason I believe that the traditional education should be altered, but not forgotten.  The works of Socrates and Shakespeare are very important pieces of literature that should be read and absorbed by all educated people.  Since these are the values and principles that most members of our society were educated with they apply to our society regardless of the race or gender of the writers.  During the times in which these works were written the white male society was the primary power in the world.  This means that during this time they had the highest education and more of an opportunity for thought and writing.  Today’s society is based upon many of these works and I believe it to be necessary for me to have a thorough understanding of the principles presented by the writers.

            As we rolled into the twentieth century many cultural revolutions took place that began to alter the interactions and way of thinking of today’s society.  If you have ever talked to an adult who grew up in the early half of the twentieth century you would notice that in most cases the word “nigger” is an extremely common word used in place of “black” or “African American.”  This was just the way things were during there time and even though the stereotypes and segregation have been minimized these people carry the values they were taught with them as the grow intellectually and otherwise.  For this reason it is important that the values impressed upon today’s students represent racial, cultural, religious, and sexual equality.  These groups are no longer separated, but have become intertwined with one another creating a society where one group relies on the presence of another.  For this reason I should be enlightened upon the history and culture of other groups of the world through previous and present literature.

It is certain that as the future progresses it will me more of a necessity for me have relations with people representing the many groups of western civilization and otherwise.  The technological advancement of the twentieth century has greatly contributed to this connection.  Communication has increased through technology familiarizing one group with another and has created ties between the two.  A mixture of the traditional education system and the new values of today’s society will provide me with the most proper education.  It will reveal an understanding of principles and great works of the past, while allowing an understanding and appreciation for many other cultures of society to develop.