Site Mission

The reason this site was created was to fulfill the visual purposes of the required senior project. If you want to know more about the senior project please visit the senior project portion of the site. This site's intended purpose is to inform visitors on creating media for the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web has become one of the most popular forms of communication. Knowing how to create media that can be displayed and bring in viewers and/or custormers is very useful. Many people take this up as a profession and make decent money from the occupation. In truth, though, it is not a very difficult concept and the language is relatively simple to comprehend. The hardest part to creating media on the web is making a site that is "pretty" and will grab the viewers attention. This site will introduce you to the World Wide Web and the HTML tutorial will teach you what you need to know to create your own pages. Once you have completed and understand the HTML tutorials it is recommended you move onto the Javascript tutorial. HTML is a Static (or unchanging) language and Javascript is dynamic (or changing). Since Javascript must be weaved into the HTML document it is perfect for adding interactivity to your pages. The Javascript, CSS/DHTML, and perl for CGI tutorials are meant for intros to the language. They will give you a pretty good grasp on the language and you should be able to start creating pages using the languages with some practice. At the end of these lessons you will be given links to further you knowledge on the language. This site will also give you some background information on the web and links to other sites along with copy and paste code that requires little knowledge of the language.