DHTML Resources
The D in DHTML stands for dynamic, which means that DHTML is just adding movement and interactivity to HTML. DHTML is not really an individual language but a mixture of CSS, Javascript, and HTML. This allows you to place and move objects wherever you want in the browser along with other things. This means the Prerequisites to DHTML are CSS and Javascript.
- Webmonkey(Thau's tutorial) - This is the best, most complete, web tutorial I have ever read. I highly recommend it. I have never read a book on Javascript and I know how to do all kinds of cool stuff with Javascript. I highly recommend this tutorial to anyone who wants to learn Javascript. This is a prerequisite of DHTML.
- CSS Tutorial - This will show you how to use CSS to change fonts, colors, and position stuff. You need to use a fair amount of CSS for DHTML style programming.
- DHTML Tutorial - Tutorial puts it all together and demonstrates using it all. You must know that there is not only document.layers and document.all but there is also a document.getElementbyID for new browser like safari.
- Dynamic Drive - An awesome site for DHTML help and much more. There are hundreds of copy and paste dhtml scripts that you may take and use on your own web site.
- Learn By Example - If you see something you would like to able to do view source and figure it out.
- Google - If you want to know how to do something search google for the solution.